A bag filter is a device for collecting dust and removing particles or gas released in technological processes.
Large-scale industrial production is often accompanied by the release of various harmful substances. Regardless of the excellent ventilation system, these impurities remain in halls and workshops, and additional filtration is necessary.
Power plants, steel mills, manufacturers of food and chemical products, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, cement, wood, paper, asbestos industries - these are just some of the activities in whose production cycles air purification is mandatory. This means that they include filtering facilities, i.e. air pollutant emission control filters. filter za kontrolu emisije zagađivača u vazduhu.
When did the bag filter appear?
The problem of air pollution was present for many centuries before bag filterwas discovered. Back in the Middle Ages, the use of coal for industrial applications and even for maintaining heat in homes caused concern about air quality. Factories emitting harmful substances were in close proximity to settlements, which caused a dramatic increase in the death rate.
The industrial revolution made matters worse by burning fossil fuels, so the need for a filtration system became more and more prominent.
The first bag filter was invented by the German industrial engineering pioneer Wilhelm Beth in 1886. It was originally used in grain mills. At the beginning of the 20th century, strict production regulations appeared. In order to be able to engage in production, factories had to be able to maintain filtration, and Beth's filter became more widely used. Already in the 20s, it became part of the leading industries throughout Europe and America.
Advances in engineering led to the development of the reverse air jet system in the mid-20th century. It is mainly used in fabric filters, extending their life. A decade later, pulsed filtration was invented, which uses pulses and bursts of air to expel dust particles.
A significant breakthrough in the development of the bag filter took place in the 70s when fabrics resistant to temperatures over 260 °C were created. Thanks to them, the collection efficiency is 99.99 percent, regardless of the size of the particles. This is precisely their main advantage over electrostatic filters, whose performance can vary significantly depending on the process and electrical conditions.
Bag filter design
The filtration system consists of a supporting structure of rectangular or round shape, a bunker base and tubular channels that implement filtration. Filter sleeves are the main element of the bag filter, and their operation is regulated by special valves and devices that control the regeneration processes.
The configuration of the bag filter is universal, and the dimensions vary depending on the size of the workplace and production needs.
Filter bags Filter bags are usually made from natural materials, such as cotton and wool. Although in recent years, models made of synthetic and glass fibers have also been found. The most common are oxalon, nitron, dacron, terylene, lavsan, sulfone, arcelon, polyimide, orlon. Due to the lower price, these filters are suitable for smaller companies.
Principle of operation of the bag filter
Contaminated air enters the filter unit through the opening, where it is filtered using filter bags. The frequency and interval of valve opening are regulated by the programmer, which is in the cabinet.
By opening the valve, compressed air with a pressure of 6 to 8 bar is passed through the bags in the opposite direction. In this way, dust and other harmful particles collected on the filter bagsare regenerated and taken to the collection bunker, and then to the container. While clean air is drawn from the upper side of the filter.
The company EING deals with the production of process equipment in the field of mining and construction. It also includes the creation of a system for capturing, separating, and removing dust particles from the air according to the user's technological requirements.